Hands holding plant growing from the soil.

Our Environmental

A Brighter Tomorrow Begins Today

sociálne, ekonomicky a environmentálne uvedomelé

Úplne udržateľné, vysokokvalitné obaly pre vaše výrobky

Image of grass covered in dew with the sun shining.

Čistá nula

Naša misia stať sa do roku 2030 podnikom s nulovou čistou produkciou a do roku 2045 mať dodávateľský reťazec s nulovou čistou produkciou v rámci klimatického záväzku malých a stredných podnikov pod vedením OSN je už v plnom prúde.

Plne recyklovateľné

Všetky naše výrobky sú kompostovateľné alebo recyklovateľné obaly. Tento záväzok vedie k ekologickejšej budúcnosti.

Zodpovedné získavanie zdrojov

Naše materiály pochádzajú z uznávaných štandardov, ako sú FSC a SEDEX. To zaručuje ochranu sveta a jeho obyvateľov.

Sociálne podporné

Naše environmentálne projekty sú podporované prostredníctvom členstva spoločnosti v organizácii One Tree Planted. To podporuje reguláciu klímy, prináša výhody pre zamestnanosť a zvyšuje zásobovanie potravinami, ako aj biodiverzitu.

Image of turtle in an ocean with plastic pollution.

Nulové množstvo plastov na jedno použitie

Plasty na jedno použitie nemajú v našom podnikaní miesto. Investujeme len do dlhodobých riešení pre svet.

Breaking Down Our Packaging

Are you curious about what materials are used in our packaging? Here's everything you need to know

Image of metal recycles forever symbol.

What’s in Our tins?

Our metal packaging contains a significant amount of recycled material. This is typical of most steel as it is cheaper to use recycled material than to use virgin metal, unlike plastic which is more expensive to recycle and less readily available.

Why not use 100% recycled material?

Unfortunately there is not a large enough supply of scrap metal to create packaging made from 100% recycled materials.

At 79%1, metal packaging has the highest recycling rates for any material in Europe. However, to create a fully circular model, more material is required. Businesses can contribute to this change by encouraging customers to refill or recycle any metal packaging used.

Despite the challenges, due to unique advantages, metal is seen as critical to the future of the packaging industry. It will never degrade and as such can constantly be recycled. 80% of all produced metal is still readily available for use2.

What’s in our cardboard tube packaging?

All of our cardboard packaging is officially classified as FSC mixed sources. 30% comes from FSC managed woods or reclaimed woods and 70% is recycled material.

FSC managed woods explained

Sourcing materials from FSC managed woods guarantees zero deforestation as a result of products being manufactured. It maintains biodiversity, protects animals, and preserves trees that have been on this earth for hundreds of years. It helps indigenous people too and ensures safety as well as fair wages for workers.

Are there other benefits?

Carbon locked in the trees is stored in the packaging, removing it from the carbon cycle. More trees are planted to replace those harvested, resulting in more CO2 leaving the atmosphere.

Image of green forest

All About the Circular Economy

What about Packaging CO2 Emissions?

As part of the SME Climate Hube, we are working hard to reduce our emissions with scope 1 and 2 emissions expected to be net zero by or before 2030.

Scope 3 emissions are those associated with our suppliers and supply chain and we anticipate these to be net zero by 2045.

What about Packaging CO2 Emissions?

On average a cardboard tube or metal tin weighing 50 g results in 0.08 kg CO2e which breaks down as:

  • Materials: 0.03 kg CO2e
  • Energy to produce: 0.04 kg CO2e
  • Transportation: 0.01 kg CO2e

How do we offset these emissions?

All of our transport emissions are offset through our One Tree Planted membership. This does not include deliveries to clients like you. That’s why we strive to only work with carbon neutral delivery services to avoid a rise in emissions. Any emissions as a result of FSC sourcing are also not currently quantifiable.

However, our producers are constantly working towards their own carbon neutral goals. Green steel operations will be possible in the future thanks to investments in new technology and equipment.

What Can You Do?

Carbon neutral packaging currently remains a theoretical objective. To achieve this status, all emissions must be offset. To do this, you would need to plant one tree for every 3600 tins or cardboard tube packaging purchased from our store. Countless schemes exist that will help you with this objective.

Alternatively, you could focus on encouraging customers to recycle. High recycling rates will save 70% of emissions that are required to create new materials.

Remember, the packaging we sell is robust and durable. It can be reused, recycled, and repurposed. Our stand up pouch packaging is also fully compostable and benefits the surrounding earth when it degrades.

A footprint with a leaf texture.

Eager To Begin?

Start your packaging journey today by telling us what you need. We’ll deliver the perfect packaging for any product.

Contact us now to learn more.


Carbon emission figures calculated using the GHG protocol accounting and 2030.

Targets are aligned with the UNFCCC Race to Net-Zero and use the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

1 Source MPMA

2 Source APEAL

3 Estimated carbon yields provided by the Woodland Trust which calculates 4 trees = 1 Woodland Carbon Unit.