Packaging Industry News & Insights

Discover expert insights from our team that will help you choose or design the perfect packaging for any product. Keep up to date with key packaging industry news that could impact your business.

Heart shaped tin packaging

Metal Tins: The Top Packaging Pick for EU Consumers

Delve into the rationale behind the rising popularity of metal packaging among your clientele.

Sustainability: protecting the environment

Choosing Sustainable Packaging: A Key Step Towards Saving the Planet

It’s no exaggeration: the right packaging decisions can significantly impact our environment. Whether you’re a small business owner or part of an SME, your choices matter. While switching to LED li...

Repurposed clip lid packaging

Unlocking the Potential: 8 Creative Ways to Repurpose Our Packaging

We’ve curated exciting upcycling ideas for our packaging that you can share with your customers.

DesignBespoke sweet packaging with a cardboard selection box

Learn 10 Tricks To Captivate Customers With Your Product Packaging

Learn the secrets of stand-out packaging design choices.

DesignAluminium bottle packaging with multiple colours in background

Send A Powerful Message With Your Packaging Design

Discover how you can support a cause with your packaging design this LGBTQ+ history month.

NewsCustomer opening packaging labelled as sustainable

EU Announces New Legislation To Prevent Greenwashing With Sustainable Packaging Claims

The EU has finalised legislation that will effectively ban greenwashing by companies.

NewsPringles crisps

Top Food Brands Launch New Sustainable Packaging

Big brands are making the switch to more sustainable packaging.